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About Us​​



Our Mission:

Children’s Quest Academy is a nurturing, educational environment that helps children build connections between the classroom and the outside world. We educate children 1 year to 6 years of age in a supportive and encouraging environment.  Our program and curriculum is designed to develop each child’s potential through activities that promote independence, physical coordination, emotional growth, team work and exploration.


Our Goals are:

• To provide an environment that encourages independence.

• To encourage and promote physical coordination of both small and large motor movements, self-help skills and hand-eye coordination.

• To maintain an environment where children become competent individuals who can solve their own problems, learn at their own pace and in their own style while achieving self-confidence in their own abilities.

• To create a mixed-aged, social environment where the children learn cooperation, sharing and respect for one another and their environment.

• To provide cognitive experiences that stimulates the child’s curiosity, sensory development, thinking and reasoning skills, memory, language development and knowledge of the world around him or her.

• To create a cooperative alliance between teachers, parents and the greater Merrimack community that best supports every child’s personal development​.



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